Analog Photography
35 mm expired film
Disposable Camera
2016, Büyükada
a black and white man
His eyes search for the immersed light
in the dark of thought
Words blown in the void
catching it with your eyes
Trying to put it in its place
In the absurdity of giving up
Your voices become sparse
in faint syllables
Your misted windows
Lost in the daylight
wakes up tired
His eyes are heavy
of the night
In its lightness..
scattering strings of sparks
power outage rainy
of your days
Peaceful voice on your lips..
simplify the world
the world
It's nice to turn
Analog Photography
Mid Format / Multiple Exposure
Lubitel 166
2012, Firenze
Analog Photography
35 mm expired film / Disposable Camera
2015, Karaköy Vapuru
Analog Photography
Mid Format / Multiple Exposure
Lubitel 166
2012, Firenze
Analog Photography
Mid Format / Multiple Exposure
Lubitel 166
2014, Saarland
Analog Photography
Multiple exposure / 35 mm expired filmCosina Camera
2015, Castellina Marritima
Analog Photography
Mid Format / Multiple Exposure
Lubitel 166
2012, Firenze
Analog Photography
Mid Format / Multiple Exposure
Lubitel 166
2012, Castellina MArittima